Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hiroshima 10RW

Go to View the footage, it's about 12 minutes long. Make a comment. The site has a wealth of visual oral and written material available to you for all subjects - investigate and let me know of some great films, recordings or texts you find.


Zo... said...

Ok here we go...
Honestly when I first saw the page open up I thought BORING but it was very interesting. It was a bit old but it really gave you an idea of what happened instead of reading it or hearing it from Mrs Hucker. I had no real idea of how catastrophic the results of the atom bomb and how far the bomb accually covered were until I watch it. But seeing all that destruction and death really makes me wonder why do we have war again? All it causes is pain and heartache. Why can't they sit down and talk like rational human beings? What is it showing the younger people of today that it's ok for violence aren't we trying to put an end to it.

chucker said...

Thanks Zoe, of course all the footage of Hiroshima is old, its the packaging in this case that is also old - which makes it a different experience.

Anonymous said...

What Zoe said.

(my internets to slow to watch the video, poor me)

Anonymous said...

i promise you miss that i did leave a comment on this but my coomputer was playing up and i dint know if it worked or not...