What is Tomato Day? How does Josephine feel about her participation in Tomato Day at the beginning of the movie? You might also like to comment on this still shot of the three Alibrandi women.
I'm just playing to see how to upload photos on to my blog - this worked super quick! Yay it's Friday and the weather is looking up - all is well after a messy week.
Go to www.archive.org/details/TaleofTw1946 View the footage, it's about 12 minutes long. Make a comment. The site archive.org has a wealth of visual oral and written material available to you for all subjects - investigate and let me know of some great films, recordings or texts you find.
Michael and Benny have a lot in common - they are both thugs who have viciously attacked another human being because they belong to a different group. Am I right or are there very real differences between Michael and Benny?
X Ray X, Pro Justice and Prem de la Prem, have every right to be very angry with Sinclair who stirred up all the trouble with the Western Alliance but they also should be thanking him for giving them a flying start to their career. What do you think!
What do Z for Zachariah and the Mrs Frisby and the Rats of Nimh have in common? Mrs Forsyth who teaches Year 7 English is a huge fan of the film version and does it as a film study with her classes at Tuakau College. Do you know it? Those of you who are familiar with the book or the film - can you find any links. Leave me a comment.