Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Breaking Away 10TT 10RW

Now that you have viewed the film what is your impression of the whole film. Can you identify any common elements when comparing it to The Outsiders?


Anonymous said...

I think this movie and The Outsiders were good.i think two movies are show the friendship in the some hard happening
In The Outsiders is shows Ponyboy, Johnny and Dally's friendships and this movies shows 4 cutters friendships and I was really enjoy the movies

Anonymous said...

i liked the outsiders better than break away tha both were interesting and thay both show the same thing FRIENDSHIP


Anonymous said...

i dont realy know much about this movie ive only seen like 20 mins of it but what is sore was pretty kewl


Anonymous said...

It was O.K bt nt the type of movie thea im into, im more a chick flick person.


Anonymous said...

that movie was pretty good for when it was made.
it had many unpredictable moments in it not like alot of movies which were too predictible.
same with the outsiders.
the similarities between the two are huge.
they both show the obstacles the friends go through together & both have a hint of romance.
although there was alot of competition between different groups in both the films...there was definately alot more true violence in the outsiders.

Anonymous said...

We quite liked this movie. It was set in the 70's and you could easily tell. the sounds were delayed e.g when "caterina" slapped dave, you saw the slap before you heard it. the music was a big clue aswell.We think that the names of the characters suited them. Even though it was an interesting movie, we liked
"the Outsiders" much more.
keep it gangsta miss
Trent and Kathy

Anonymous said...

i liked both of these m0vies and they b0th were sh0wign the friendship 0v these 'gangs' 0f pe0ple.the 0utsiders and breaking away are similar in the fact that they were a gr0up 0f friends fighting f0r s0mething that is imp0rtant t0 the members and they were there t0 stick by each 0ther. In the 0utsiders it was the fight and keeping J0hnny and p0nyb0y sheltered f0r what they have d0ne and remaking the Curtis family because 0f their familys tragic deaths...Breaking away is ab0ut dave's dream 0f racing against the italians and his l0ve f0r the italian culture and his dad d0esnt agree...the big thing ab0ut b0th 0f the ,0vies is the gangs that the m0vie is based 0n the cutters and the greasers are the tw0 underpriveleged familys i liked b0th 0f these m0vies they were b0th c0ol as!

Anonymous said...

These two movies were similar because they were both about two groups of people who were the underpriveleged and the priveleged. And about the underpriveleged coming out on top and feeling good about themselves and giving them hope for the future.

Carla & Zoe! :)

Anonymous said...

this movie for us was quite a different movie compared to the outsiders. the outsiders was much more interesting and the storyline for breaking away was a bit cloudy . they shared many of the same qualities, like the greasers and cutters,the leaders mike and dally are pretty much the same.

Anonymous said...

10rw è freddo As

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed this movie as it showed relationships between the outsiders because there were two sorts of groups on both movies The rich ones who had everything(the socs and the college kids) and the kids who didnt have much and were very unfortunate and also showed the differences and the jelously between the groups.

Anonymous said...

They were both very alike. They both showed the relationship between a few friends. They are also bot about gangs. The outsiders had a more serious gang affairs, where Breaking away had the people that were at college and the people that didn't go to college.


Anonymous said...

il breakikng via e gli stranieri è simili nel fatto che sono entrambi circa underpriveleged e priveleged e chi dalla società più meglio e chi è di esposizione relativo e più difettoso il montone castrato voi è bene di povero solo o solo voi sempre troverà alcuni amici che sono giusti lo stessi.